A common issue with windows, sliding doors, and glass doors are handles and locks. We believe that the security of your home is very important and because of this we do not leave your home until it is secure. We provide popular handle and lock choices but can also customize locks based on your needs.
People often run into problems with the rollers as their sliding doors wear and tear over the years. Rollers can break or wear out. We offer several types of rollers for your sliding door needs for commercial and residential.
For some tracks, the lime in the stucco underneath the track reacts to moisture and causes a chemical reaction that eats the aluminum. It sometimes looks like someone poured acid on the track, causing holes to appear. Another reason that requires track replacement is if you wait too long ito replace the door rollers.
As the door gets hard to slide, the steel rollers stop turning and instead start digging grooves into the soft aluminum track where the rollers are supposed to glide. This makes the door sound really bad, causes bumps, and requires track replacement. Sometimes, it is possible to put a stainless steel track cap over the old (now bumpy) track for a temporary fix.